Sep 30, 2012

WIP: Cawdor Gang Shading

I've spent the last few painting sessions applying multiple layers of shading to the first batch of my new Cawdor gang. Excusing the initial coats of Citadel (GW) Camo Green on the weapons, the boys are starting to show some depth:

The tunics and pants have numerous layers of a rough mixture of Vallejo Model Color (VMC) Burnt Cadmium Red (814), GW Liche Purple, old GW Shadow Black ink, Vallejo Glaze Medium (596), and of course "Gunk." I kept mixing until I had a deep purple color the consistency of skim milk.

The glaze medium does a nice job of making sure the shading creeps into the crevices and stays there as it dries. Starting in the deepest recesses, I built up multiple layers and worked outward toward where I will next apply highlights.

The gloves, boots, and masks got a once over with an equal mixture of old GW Skaven Brown ink and GW Shadow Black ink; diluted further with a couple drops of glaze medium and gunk.

Skin, undershirts, and gaiters received a couple passes of a mixture of GW Skaven Brown ink and old GW Flesh Wash; again diluted with glaze medium and gunk.

I'm also about finished with the gang's Dragon Forge Goth-Tech bases, which were a lot of fun to paint and have some great details. Stones received a 1:1:1 basecoat of VMC Sky Grey (989), VMC London Grey (836), and Vallejo Game Color (VGC) Khaki, and a wash of Skaven Brown ink. Metal areas received a basecoat of London Grey and a wash of Shadow Black ink:

The bases then received further washes of Skaven Brown ink and Flesh Wash, as well as selective drybrushes of Sky Grey, Khaki, and VGC Earth:

I'm thinking of adding some glowing toxic sludge in the recesses where the pipes open up on the base in the middle, as well as some rust and/or dust effects with modeling pigments, but haven't decided yet.

Next up: highlighting. We'll also see if I can pull the shading, midtones, and highlights together.

So, until next time, keep painting!
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